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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

279 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Georeference and warp a drone image based on sensor orientation and location

I have been flying some drone surveys over the ocean and need to properly project and georeference my images. I have all the information I think I need: lat, lon, altitude, yaw, pitch, and roll along ...
clifgray's user avatar
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Adjusting georeferencing of GeoTIFF?

I have three thermal IR images of a boat acquired by a drone as it flew overhead. The images were taken at one second intervals, are GeoTIFF files and overlap one another. I don't know exactly how the ...
Tomasso's user avatar
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QGIS Referencer: Tranformed Failed

I'm using a new install of QGIS 2.18.2 on an iMac running OSX 10.10.5. I create a new project. I use the OpenLayers plugin to show an OSM background of a part of Mayfair in London. I now use the ...
David Brown's user avatar
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Which training courses in Geodetics can you recommend?

Can anyone recommend any training courses in geodesy which would cover the following objectives: Case studies on coordinate issues. Overview of geodetic datums, coordinate reference systems and ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to use Scale tool when Georeferencing Raster in ArcMap?

I'm georeferencing a bunch of maps in ArcMap 10.0. The Shift and Rotate commands are pretty easy to use, no problems there. But whenever I use the Scale command, the image completely changes ...
TSJ's user avatar
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Getting EPS vector as georeferenced layer into QGIS

I have an eps-file with polygons of landuse. The file has coordinates to georeference it. I need to convert it into a geo vector. I could do the following steps: export/convert the eps to raster (...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Batch Raster Georeferencing GDAL plugin in PyQGIS

I use to manually georeferencing rasters using the plugin GDAL using: raster .tif 4 gcps in a file .point and it results this : My aim is to batch this method for thousand of rasters (drone ...
zlikotp's user avatar
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Exposing function or transformation matrix that QGIS georeferencer develops to georeference raster?

The problem: Think of the London Tube Map. Logically correct, but physically inaccurate. I want to display such an arist's impression (un-transformed, so recognisable) on a mobile web site and have ...
johnn's user avatar
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Aligning two raster layers in QGIS?

I am teaching myself GIS in baby steps, I recently acquired aerial imagery (employing RGB and NIR-GB sensors) using a small UAV with the intent of generating a map in a small plot of land. After ...
Paul Saavedra's user avatar
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CRS to use to georeference an 19th century Ordnance Survey 1 Inch map

I have a raster of an Ordnance Survey 1 inch map that was surveyed in 1843-57 and subsequently revised in 1896 and published in 1898: Sheet 50 - Hawes. When georeferenced in QGIS using OSGB36/British ...
flyhigher's user avatar
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How to specify visible extent of raster in QGIS without clipping original

Is there a way to limit how much of a raster is shown in QGIS3 without clipping the raster to a new file? In my old workflow from Arcmap I would georeference scanned maps or rasters with tics in the ...
Nico's user avatar
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Is it possible to proceed direct geo-referencing and ortho-rectification for a GeoTIFF with GDAL/OpenCV in one step

I work under Debian Linux and want to ortho-rectify and geo-reference images aquired by a tilted twin camera system using: the attitude parameter (roll, ptich and heading) of the gyro-stabilized ...
huckfinn's user avatar
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Difference between Affine, Bilinear and Helmert Transformations

I'm georeferencing old arial photos with a commercial GIS. The software offers me 'Affine', 'Bilinear' and 'Helmert transformation' as transformation options. Unfortunately, the support of the GIS can'...
DGIS's user avatar
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Mapbox - Uploaded GeoTIFF file has no bounds

I'm trying to add GCP data to an old map and then upload it as a tileset to Mapbox. I've managed to add the data using Georeferencer and the output in qgis looks okay, but when I upload it as a ...
chooban's user avatar
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Georeferencing multiple images as GeoTIFF (same size and extents) in QGIS

I have 50 images and I want to georeference them all on to the exactly same place. They have all the exactly same size and extends. I've begun to load the same georeferencing points for every single ...
user122841's user avatar
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SVG to GEOjson with control points

I have few SVG files (maps) that I want to convert to GEOJson. On those SVG files, two markers (crosses) had been drown in order to georeference the layer. So I know the coordinates of those control ...
Antoine's user avatar
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QGIS - Layer missing polygons after pointsfile transformation

I'm using pointsfile transformation in QGIS for the georeferentiation of my layers. After the transformation the result some times has polygons missing like here: Why is this happening? How do I ...
dari1495's user avatar
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QGIS: georeferencer, resolution-dependent behaviour, why resolution is negative

I am trying to georeference sovet military maps from I have manage with one, but to my surprise I am failing badly with georeferencing a second file (M33-3 map). Let me go piece ...
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QGIS georeferenced image does not apear in the map area

I'm having issues with some georeferenced images in QGIS 2.10.1-Pisa. I generally georeference PDF's of new land subdivisions over aerial photos to get the layout of the new subdivision, generally ...
Matt Willis's user avatar
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QGIS tiff image loaded but not visible

In QGIS I used the Georeferencer on a jpg image I had prepared in Gimp. But when I load the resulting tiff image into my QGIS project it is invisible, even though an image viewing program can show it ...
David Sumbler's user avatar
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QGIS 2.10 Can't load georeference plugin?

Apparently my problem was already present in older versions of Qgis. I don't know how to fix it, knowing I have a Linux system (Fedora 23). Somethiing similar here : Where to download QGIS 2.10? So, ...
Deun's user avatar
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Batch Georectifying Imagery

I have a large collection of drone images that aren't georeferenced. I'd like to georectify them by pulling projection and coordinate data from the GeoTiff files, but I'm having difficulty. My ...
Josh's user avatar
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Merge several images and Export a GeoTiff File

I have approx 500 geo-referenced images that I was hoping to merge into 1 geo-referenced file, and export it as a single geotiff file. To be used in AutoCAD Civil 3D I know I am pushing my luck and ...
tfitzhardinge's user avatar
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Incorporating known GPS/INS data to automatically produce geo-registered 3D models

I am trying to reconstruct a 3D building model from 2D video frames using an open-source Structure-From-Motion(SFM) software (Bundler). The final reconstructed 3D model will be in Cartesian ...
Ken Toh's user avatar
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QGIS: It is possible to georeference a map that is only 1 meter square?

Using the default CRS in QGIS EPSG:4326, it is possible to georeference a map of an area that's only 1 meter by 1 meter? The picture below represents a track that can be built using approx. 15" ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
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Python: Spatially interpolate between two lat/lon grids with different dimensions and resolution

Let's say that I have two datasets. The first dataset is sized [14000,7000] and represents terrain data throughout the CONUS. This data is equally-spaced 0.005-degrees in terms of latitude / longitude....
Miss_Orchid's user avatar
2 votes
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Enable input DMS option in ArcMap while georeferencing

I am a newbie to ArcMap. I tried to georeference a map in JPEG format using the "input DMS..." option. But it is grayed out, the only option available is to choose X, and Y coordinates even ...
karim abousselham's user avatar
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Problem with wrong DEM output after georeferencing

My goal is to georeference a DEM tiff file that I have with a reference orthophoto. Steps to reproduce Open orthophoto (EPSG2056) in QGIS Open the DEM (EPSG2056) in the Georeferencer Add GCP (I am ...
tukanium's user avatar
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QGIS Georeferencer: How to deal with .points file using different CRSs?

I have some scanned maps as tifs and their corresponding .points files. The GCPs were set by different users erroneously using different CRSs. E.g. Of 340 points 180 were set using EPSG:23700, 160 ...
maxwhere's user avatar
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Struggling to line two raster layers up with one another

I have a UAV survey of an agricultural trial site and I'm trying to analyze the imagery in QGIS. I've been working on a multispectral .tif file and I've recently recieved a DSM (digital surface model) ...
S7ewie's user avatar
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How to build raster file from large folder tiles (256x256), which has 70.000 file tiles

First, I'd like to mention that I'm new to working with GIS, so please forgive my inexperience. I have map folder with structure: zoom level contains multi tile image files (256x256),ex: folder zoom ...
Hong Phat's user avatar
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Geolocalizing archive aerial photos

I have ~125 analog aerial photographs from 1937 (examples below) and need to reconstruct their locations where the images were taken for a research project. Unfortunately, little is known about them: ...
pltprx's user avatar
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Calculating the coordinates of the selected pixel point from an image with known corner coordinates

How can I calculate the coordinates of the point(P) we want from an image with known corner coordinates? I want to find out respective coordinates from the selected the pixel of the image obtained ...
Gazi Yılmaz's user avatar
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Georeferencing historic airphotos along constantly-moving section of San Andreas fault?

I'm a geology graduate student working on a master's thesis project in which I'm measuring creep (movement) over time along a section of the San Andreas fault (in California, USA) using SfM derived ...
Nick Roberts's user avatar
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Digitizing against PDF in ArcGIS Pro

I am relatively new to GIS and am using ArcGIS Pro. I am making a map of a property that includes a watercourse and an environmental setback from the watercourse. I need to add the development plans ...
Karlene's user avatar
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How can I set QGIS to not mess up my TIFF images when I geolocate them?

I am using QGIS 3.10.0-A I have some TIFF images of simple line maps. I worked on the TIFFs to reduce file size while retaining quality and got them to where I want (for example, I used Irfanview's ...
JJD's user avatar
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Georeferencing using GDAL geotransform top left corner coordinates

Following this stack exchange example by kflaw, and other examples of the use of geotrasform I am trying to georeference images using pre-computed extent rectangles. However, I am also struggling to ...
andrew's user avatar
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Adding additional points to GCP table after an image has been georeferenced

I have finished georeferencing an image with no attached coordinate system. I was unsatisfied as the image was not accurately overlayed on the map. The dx/dy & Residual error values are not ...
Joseph Goode's user avatar
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automatically georeference QgsGeometry.fromPoint features on creation

Is there a way to automatically georeference fromPoint features upon creation? I use this layer URI: self.pinLayer = QgsVectorLayer( "Point?crs=epsg:3857&field=id:integer&...
cmon_sig's user avatar
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Extremely Laggy whenever I start georeferencing TIFF Image on ArcMap 10.6

I have been running my ArcMap on my new work computer for a month or so, it went fine. But since last week, ArcMap becomes slower whenever I load the map/georeferencing, these days when I georeference ...
Dixbe's user avatar
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Highlighting area of map in QGIS

I would like to have a borderline around a subset South-South(SS) part of the map (Map 1) (More like highlighting the subset part). I tried to clip a vector of the subset (map 2) to the entire map, ...
Learner's user avatar
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How to georeference multispectral raster without loss of data

I am trying to align two rasters made of data captured during same flight, but with separate cameras (drone - onboard, and Micasense RedEdge) and two separate gps devices (drone and another one ...
proteus's user avatar
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georeference in QGIS using Open Layers

I'm using QGIS to do georeference scan of the map. I have to do it in UTM zone 36N. The problem is I want to do it by creating control points and use background maps available in Open Map Layers (...
Maggie's user avatar
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QGIS 2.18 Georeferencer

I am using the Georeferencer plugin to overlay an older map over a OpenLayers google streetview map. I have set all my GCP points to be accurate however once I click the begin georeferencing button ...
Owen Hartman's user avatar
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Georeferencing Cadastral map in DWG using AutoCAD Map 3D?

I want to georeference a cadastral map in dwg format. I have the lat-long of 3+ points on the map but do not have the scale. I tried "Set Location" in Autocad Map 3D but it references using the lat/...
indigene's user avatar
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Problem georeferencing a raster in QGIS

I successfully georeferenced the raster the first time and it loaded correctly in QGIS. Then, I went back to the georeferencer to add more control points to make the overlay look more exact. When I ...
Griffin's user avatar
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Coordinate input does not seem to be correctly processed when Georeferencing in QGIS?

I am trying to georeference an old scanned map. I divided the scan in several parts. The original map uses an uncommon coordinate system (Equidistant Conic Projection according to De L'isle with ...
Radost Holler's user avatar
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create neighborhood list in R with large dataset

I want to create a weight matrix based on distance. My code for the moment looks as follows and functions for a smaller sample of the data. However, with the large dataset (569424 individuals in 24077 ...
Kerstin's user avatar
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Google earth image appears flat and in the wrong location when georeferencing

I've been trying to add an image of my site which I got from Google Earth Pro. But I can't seem to georeference it properly using the georeferencing tool in Predictor noise modelling software. I've ...
Greg Collins's user avatar
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Georeferencing CIA's Lambert Conformal Conic projection in QGIS?

I'm trying to load into the QGIS an image generated from the NA CIA Fact Book PDF which uses Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, standard parallels 25°N and 77°N. I'd like to work with the exact ...
k3it's user avatar
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