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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

279 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Adding Z (elevation to image when georeferencing with gdal_translate and gdalwarp via gcps)

I have been trying to georeference an image with given gcps (X-Y coordinates and Z (elevation) coordinates). However, when I add gcps via gdal_translate it adds elevation Z but as soon as I use ...
Hassan's user avatar
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Overlaying CAD drawing to Google Earth

I am trying to design a new road in Peru in a town called Lobitos. The area in question is shown below (extract from Google Earth). From Google Maps I was able to pick out the exact road I am ...
JoeDainton123's user avatar
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Georeferenced images in ArcGIS are projected wrongly in QGIS and other GIS

I am working on a big project that includes georeferencing over 850 historical maps in the Netherlands. We're doing this with a small team, with each of us taking certain municipalities. Since we all ...
Konan Pruiksma's user avatar
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Georeferencer equivalent for vectors

I'm digitising historic maps for an area about 2km square using QGIS 3.18 (the maps are from the David Rumsey maps collection, using WMTS). Once I have the digitised maps (in polygons representing ...
David Brown's user avatar
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How to georeference HDF5 file with missing or wrong metadata

I'm trying to access data in a HDF5 file. I can access the data itself but the metadata, in particular the information to georeference the information, is still a problem. I had partial success in ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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Georeferencer negative impact on image resolution

I added CRS to my .tif image(it weights 120gb and doesnt have CRS) using QGIS gdal method (Georeferencer). And the result .tif image with CRS (EPSG:4326) weights 70gb and image resolution is much ...
Nickname Nick's user avatar
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Datum transformation with velocity corrections

I have a coordinates with velocity values of some points in ITRF2014 at 2010.0 epoch and I want to convert these coordinates to ITRF96 1998.0 epoch. I apply the velocity corrections to my coordinates ...
Sun's user avatar
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Visualizing SAR images of moon

I have SAR images of a region on the Moon in GeoTIFF format. When opened in ArcMap, an image looks like: With the metadata: How can I geo-reference them to visualize properly? I also have an ...
shrippi's user avatar
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How to georeference a raster where LAT and LON decimal degree coordinates are stored in separate layers in Python?

I have a non-georeferenced GeoTIFF raster file with three bands: Land Surface Temperature (LST) Latitude in decimal degrees (DD) Longitude, also in DD What I would like to do is to create a new ...
Sotosoul's user avatar
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Cannot georeference an image using a custom projection in QGIS

I am trying to georeference a map using a custom projection I created in QGIS. I get the error Transform failed: "Failed to compute GCP transform: Transform is not solvable" Does anyone have ...
Angie's user avatar
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Georeferencing a GeoTIFF using with RasterIO

I am trying to Co-register a raster using Ground Control Points w.r.t. another raster using RasterIO. I have written a PoC, but having a bit of difficulty in measuring the quality of the final ...
Kanishk Varshney's user avatar
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How to calculate the accuracy of georeferenced aerial images in meters if the mean error is in pixels?

I have scanned aerial images taken shortly after WWII and have to georeference them and calculate the mean error. I use the Projective transformation so the error after transformation is shown in ...
Pepe Pesh's user avatar
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Fixing local orthorectification mismatches leading to small georeferencing errors?

My project uses good quality high resolution orthorectified imagery (from the government) as its reference base layer. I complement it for vegetation analysis with additional imagery from a different ...
Houska's user avatar
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Georeferenced map lines up better with different CRS – why?

I have an old map that I'm trying to georeference. The map says that it's a Bonne projection, with the origin at 34ºN, 130º,30'E. I downloaded a DEM (in WGS84), and reprojected it using a custom Bonne ...
Ben's user avatar
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Keep the map straight with arcgis projections

I need to overlap DEM file with an historical map. The historical map doesn't have georeferencing so I need to add some control points, but when I do this the map is distorted. There is a way to ...
michele buzzoni's user avatar
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Divide raster map into segments, maintaining georeference in ArcMap

I have some historical maps so heavily distorted that usual rubbersheeting is possible but already quite problematic. I need 400 control points and more, and performance is abysmal, and "local&...
Wernazuma's user avatar
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Is there a way to rasterize polygon with hatch pattern with GDAL CLI or in a Python script?

I am trying to automate some work previously done in QGIS. Target platform is AWS Lambda so there is no way to use QGIS or any other standalone GIS-specific application. QGIS provide a way to draw ...
walkingpendulum's user avatar
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How do we georeference a toposheet using GCS or PCS?

I am new to the GIS domain. I need to georeference a toposheet, Datum - WGS84, 1:50,000 scale map. I have done the georeferencing using WGS for GCP's and then projected to WGS_94_UTM Zone 43N, using ...
Aavani Priya's user avatar
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Shapefile To svg to dxf and back to shapefile

I need to edit a complex vector polygon layer based on a raster layer. It will be a lot easier for me to do the drawings in an illustration software like Inkscape and then to import it back to QGIS. ...
Yonoson Josef's user avatar
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QGIS: How can I reproject multiple associated layers when improving the georeference of an ancient map?

If I add or move some georeferencing control points and re-georeference a map, then is there a way in which I can make the latest QGIS reproject the points/lines/polygons in associated layers ...
Louis Strous's user avatar
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How does gdal.ReprojectImage() work?

I'm using gdal.ReprojectImage() to reproject mod021km bands to geotif data. it takes one of the modis multiband subdatasets (e.g. EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB with 5 bands) and saves it as a tif file with one ...
Mehrdad HMT's user avatar
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How to calculate corner(edge) coordinates for geo image

I want to add image layer to Azure map. To do that I need coordinates for the corners. With help of this site I am able to get center, rotation/angle and ...
shak imran's user avatar
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Correcting offset between LiDAR datasets

I am analyzing multiple LiDAR datasets looking at the changes between pre-wildfire and post-wildfire topography. The datatsets are of the same general location. I did not acquire the datasets on my ...
JamesS's user avatar
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How to georeference images with GCP's in straight line?

I would like to use the Thin Plate Spline tranformation type in the QGIS georeferencer plugin. The image I'm trying to georeference is a sequence of aerial images which have been merged manually. I ...
Jan-Pieter's user avatar
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Exporting kernel utilization distributions from R to be used in ArcGIS Pro scene view

I have used the "kde" function "ks" package to estimate 95% kernel utilization distributions (KUD) to visualize the 3D activity range of an arboreal snake. Below is code that I modified from ...
Scott Boback's user avatar
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Creating custom PROJ projection from control points

I have a JPG raster, and I used QGis to georeference it with "control points", which are pixel coordinates linked to map coordinates, in EPSG:4326 (lon, lat). Here is an example of the control points ...
gvatin's user avatar
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GDAL Georeferencer Tool Not Appearing In Processing Menu - QGIS 3.4 Ubuntu

I know this question has been raised several times before (Georeferencer on QGIS3 Missing? and Missing Georeferencer), but my situation is somewhat different. The georeferencer tool does not appear in ...
Jeff Doty's user avatar
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Recognized, calibrated test points for a rangefinding function?

I'm trying to find out if there are scientifically accepted calibration points to measure the effectiveness of a geodetic distance finding function. So far I've been using the listed latitude / ...
Adam Coville's user avatar
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Conversion of MLS/AURA RELATIVE HUMIDITY PRODUCT to correctly referenced GeoTIFF

I have downloaded the following product and it gives me a .he5file. Can anyone help me in correctly geo-referencing the file ...
raaj's user avatar
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Image error polynominal transfomation

I'm georeferencing a Landsat 8 oli no QGIS trip. I include the control points and the system calculates the residuals for each point. At the end it indicates the polynominal mean error of the ...
Elizabeth Maria Feitosa da Roc's user avatar
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Importing an image to QGIS with no coordinates, only a scale of the drawing

Is it possible to import a drawining into QGIS without having any coordinates or CRS. The scale that I have is 1:1250.
Louis Tate's user avatar
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Error georefencing an aerial image with QGIS (for relatively small area)

I have an aerial image (.jpg format) of a relatively small site and have been trying to georeference it and generate a corresponding .tif file. I followed several online tutorials, but I keep getting ...
Reivilo444's user avatar
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Georeferencer stopped working

I georeferenced some things about a month ago no problem. However now when I click my reference plugin it does not open the Georeferencer dialogue box or the georeference drop down menu. It is enabled ...
user144700's user avatar
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Photoshop JPEG won’t open in QGIS

I have scanned old map (no grid ref etc) and then assembled high res JPEG in Photoshop (but obviously could save in other file format, e.g., TIFF) I am now trying to georeference in QGIS 3 but on ...
Gideonsway's user avatar
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How to georeference point cloud data that was no spatial information?

I'm working on a project right now that the final goal is to compare two DTMs of a glacier surface from different years to visualize the change over time of the glacial surface. The first DTM was ...
Ben Raymond's user avatar
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reproject *TO* MODIS sinusoidal grid

I want a global file chopped into multiple netcdf files corresponding to the modis tiles. I currently have a directory of GLOBAL netcdf files over time. NOTE: ERA interim data is on the regular lat/...
Tommy Lees's user avatar
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Quantifying error on georeferenced aerial imagery

I georeferenced historical aerial imagery of a coastal area to estimate the size of oil sheens on the surface of the ocean. The control points I used were on land (street intersections, buildings, etc....
ploman's user avatar
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Automatically Recognised Targets for Combined Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry

I'm currently performing an engineering honours thesis on terrestrial photogrammetry and laser scanning in Archaeology. Both methods will be used to document a single location first and analysis will ...
William Andrews's user avatar
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Creating world files for a batch of aerial photos

I am looking for a way to geolocate a bunch of aerial photos by creating a world file per photo. The photos are taken in the same orientation and from the same altitude. The work flow would be to ...
sebastian's user avatar
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Make polygons the same spatial resolution as a GeoTIFF

I downloaded a GeoTIFF DEM from EarthExplorer and loaded it onto QGIS. This GeoTIFF is of the state of Florida. I have a shapefile (polygon) of the state and want to overlap it with the raster file so ...
antR's user avatar
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Do I need to define extent when I define a new projection?

GGRS87 (EPSG:2100) is the projection system for Greece. But there is also another projection system which caters for a complex of islands (Kastellorizo, etc) which are located east form Greece (near ...
Ilias Machairas's user avatar
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batch georeference based on link file, output raster too big and in wrong place

I have a set of images that I need to georeference. All images have the exact same geographical coverage. I have used the georeferenceing tool bar to create a link file. I then used the script ...
pythonNovice's user avatar
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Georeferenced points not connected

After georeferencing the Google Earth image with 4 points, it appears as shown in the image below. And sometimes it extends the point connected lines outside of the image. I'd like to frame it with ...
Emahm's user avatar
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Georeference map with just one known point

I have an old scanned topographic map I have to georeference. Unfortunately there is no coordinate system stated and it has just on reference grid point on it. Besides that it states in the down left ...
Aldi Kasse 2's user avatar
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dwg to sqlitedb or mbtiles to use it as map in galillo for mobile

how can convert dwg to sqlitedb or mbtiles to use it as map in galillo for mobile or any other extension that can work in gps program for mobile dwg contain map i n stereografic reference and how can ...
waseem's user avatar
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How to add metadata such as geokeydirectory, geoasciiparams, modelpixelscale and modeltiepoint to a compressed tiff image?

I have resized my original tiff file (1.5gb) to a tiff file (170mb). But there was no geo reference points in the resized image which was present in my original tiff file. I have attached the ...
M. V. Rakshith's user avatar
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What can the GeoTransform parameters tell me about an incorrectly georeferenced map?

I have two GeoPDF maps of the same area published a few years apart. There are only minor updates so virtually identical. However the newest map appears to be incorrectly georeferenced. I ascertained ...
John Flint's user avatar
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Using georeferencer plugin of QGIS (gdal)?

I need to rotate the tiff image that you can see below (basically, consider that the RED rectangle belongs to the tiff: I want to rotate it so that the RED rectangle aligns with the GREEN one). To do ...
Noé Achache's user avatar
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Translating and warping tif using python bindings of GDAL?

I am trying to rectify a tif of of sonar images collected from a moving ship. The tifs are in the form of long ribbons. I have ground control points (GCPs) that match coordinates on the tif (row and ...
Michael S's user avatar
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Use non-georeferenced raster with reference grid in QGIS 2.14

I have on one side a set of images in raster, which are not having any spatial reference, and on the other side a grid with spatial references. Each image supposedly fit perfectly in a cell of the ...
GuiOm Clair's user avatar
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