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Any plans to change GP toolbox format (.tbx file) to text-based format? [closed]

Have you heard if esri has any plans to change GP toolbox format (.tbx file) to text-based format in future? The issue is that we can't track changes in binary tbx file using source control system. ...
Remigijus Pankevičius's user avatar
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Get links in HTML popup in ArcMap 10.2 to open in default browser instead of IE?

I have a field with a URL to a PDF. The field is used for hotlinking. When I use the hotlink tool or click on the link in the Identify window, the link opens in my default browser (Chrome), but when I ...
Anders's user avatar
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How to create an array of points in ArcMap? [duplicate]

I have a master point in following projection system: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_45N WKID: 32645 Authority: EPSG Projection: Transverse_Mercator False_Easting: 500000.0 False_Northing: 0.0 Central_Meridian: ...
Learner's user avatar
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Find optimal distance band after running Incremental Global Moran I with PySAL?

My observations are points along a transect, irregularly spaced. I aim at finding the distance values that maximize the clustering of my observation attribute, in order to use it in the following ...
Nick Pucino's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make raster layers congruent? [duplicate]

I have two raster layers. They come with the same cell size (100x100m), the same extent and are projected in the same CRS (+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs). My ...
blabbath's user avatar
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Changing the destination (scratch workspace) of outputs of geoprocessing tools in a model in one go,

Changing the destination (scratch workspace) of outputs of geoprocessing tools in a model in one go, I couldn’t figure out the best way to change the destination (scratch workspace) of outputs of ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Assessing impact of tall building on urban skyline? [closed]

I have a DSM of a small city center, and for planning purposes I wish to assess the impact of a very high building on the urban skyline. By impact I mean: given a tall building, what part of the urban ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Adding and Editing Excel table to the data frame

I have few excel tables of almost 5-6 columns and i need to paste them at different locations in the same map. The values in the excel table gets revised every quarter and i need to edit the table. ...
priya_civil's user avatar
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Getting nearest point distance in ArcMap?

How do you calculate the nearest distance from one XY coordinate to another XY. I'm using Arc Map 10 I went into Arc tool box -> proximity -> then I only have 2 buffering options. But under buffer ...
Kelly's user avatar
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2 answers

Using ModelBuilder to Iterate and extract subdatasets with in hdf file and project subdatasets?

I have a large file of n-files. I am interested in using the model builder within GIS to extract subdataset fields within a Modis hdf file. I am particularly interested in extracting Aerosol data ...
Andrew Desrosiers's user avatar
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Exporting point shapefile from ArcGIS for Desktop to R?

I am having several problems in exporting my point shapefile from ArcGIS 10 to R. I tried to save the shapefile as a CSV, but R reads all in one row; somebody in another question answered to use ...
Gab's user avatar
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Subsetting polygons from shapefile using ArcMap

I have a shapefile of lakes with lots of polygons. The features I am interested in are only big lakes. Is there any way to subset only the polygons I am interested in from the shapefile using ArcMap?
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
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2 answers

Spatial join geotagged images to preexisting point shapefile? [closed]

I have a layer of geotagged images (points with jpg thumbnail attachment), and another layer of different points (shapefile with various attributes). I would like to perform a spatial operation in ...
user32882's user avatar
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Calculate driving distance and time from 2 lat/lon points

I'm researching a way to calculate driving time and distance for 2 latitude and longitude points? I'm unable to use any 3rd party controls or maps. If possible it has to all be generated locally to ...
Jerry8989's user avatar
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Running same action multiple times in ModelBuilder model with increasing expression value

I have created this ModelBuilder model in above expression value is 1 by default but I want to run expression value 2,3,4,5 and up to 50 (it may vary based my dataset). I tried for while iteration ...
RakeshReddy Posham's user avatar
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3 answers

Sequential IDs with field calculator: Pad a prefixed field to specific length

I have an ID field that is a text datatype. The IDs in the field have a prefix, and are padded with zeros to always be a specific length. Examples: INSP000098 INSP000099 INSP000100 INSP000101 I ...
User1974's user avatar
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Mapping edges between old and new network dataset using ArcGIS Pro

For reporting purposes, we are storing the edges of the street in our database after solving the route. Our worry is that, whenever we will receive a new network dataset, the edge Object Id might be ...
alok_dida's user avatar
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What is the correct variable type for a single value in raster calculator, modelbuilder?

The equation includes several raster and several single values, and I want to do it in raster calculator, modelbuilder for the purpose of multiple calculations. In raster part, it is ok to select ...
Vicky Liau's user avatar
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Losing numeric table precision during shapefile export in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to export a GDB file version 10.5 in ArcGIS Pro 2.0.0 to a shapefile, but every time I do, I lose precision with the unique feature IDs. For example the IDs will go from 554423216 --> ...
csft306's user avatar
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Creating minimum number of polygons that surround multiple points in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have around 300 points randomly distributed (some near to each other, some far from each other) on a map. I want to create a layer that contains multiple circle polygons of 800 metres diameter such ...
oAkEn86's user avatar
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Adding Lat and Long to attributed table in ArcGIS for Desktop?

i am new ArcGis 10.2 user and I have the attributed data for the land cover type (I use Raster to point tool) but it does not have the exact latitude and Longitude at the point. Could anyone please ...
faris's user avatar
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Projection Transformation from ETRS89 LAEA to WGS1984?

I am having difficulties to transform a Shapefile in ArcGIS 10 from ETRS 1989 LAEA to WGS 1984 N33. I have 2 files: in WGS1984 N33, with a grid of 10x10km, in ETRS 1989 LAEA, with small 100x100m ...
Irene's user avatar
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Determine start/end points for line slope calculation [duplicate]

This is a follow up question based off of this question. I have a line feature class representing storm drains and a point feature class representing where storm drains are connected. The point ...
cbunn's user avatar
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Saving a clipped image analysis raster

I have a raster that I clipped to a polygon using the image analysis window (regular raster clip doesn't do what I want) but when I go to save the temporary raster to a hard file I get the same ...
niklas24's user avatar
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Using spatial join in ArcGIS for Desktop?

I have two spatial layers of about the same (not exactly same) spatial extent. Layer#1 has about twice the number of polygons than layer#2 (in thousands). I am trying to calculate values for Field#X ...
Sam's user avatar
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Max Number of Feature Selection in ArcGIS? [closed]

What are the limitations on the maximum number of features that you can select in ArcGIS?
Joe Z's user avatar
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Computing geometric intersection (line-on-polygon overlay) using ArcPy?

I want to take geometric intersection of line and polygon shapefile. ArcPy has a tool: arcpy.Identity_analysis but it is available with "ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced" and I have "ArcGIS for Desktop ...
Ibe's user avatar
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Draw Line from Point to existing Line

I am working on a water network, I want to draw a House Connection pipe from a house meter to nearest existing water line, I tried using python script, I could just find the nearest line. I also want ...
Munawar Hussain's user avatar
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Calculating distance between two points with coordinates using ArcGIS Desktop

I have an attribute table with coordinates of two point, the beginning and the end: (x1, y1)-begin and (x2,y2)-the end. How can I calculate distance between these coordinates?
S.Rai's user avatar
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Adding polygons on points using Arcgis 10.2

I have a series (300+) of points and I would like to apply polygons over it. Cannot use the buffer tools as the polygons are not symmetrical but I basically need the same geometry for each one, ...
Gavin's user avatar
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3 answers

Use VB to calculate an area of a shape

I'm using Arcmap 10.1, running python 2.7 on a Windows 8.1 machine. I have a script that uses the arcpy.CalculateField_management function to calculate the area of a shape, however, for some reason ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Removing cloud cover on LandSat 8 imagery using ArcGIS for Desktop? [closed]

How can I remove cloud cover on landsat8 imagery? using ArcGis10.2
حسن ابوالخير's user avatar
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How to Label Field With Multiple Selected Values?

I have a shape named "Subdistrict" and it shown on Attribut Table like this : No | subd | village 1 | town1 | v1 2 | town1 | v2 3 | town1 | v3 4 | town2 | v4 5 | town2 | v5 6 | town2 | ...
Rikudo Pain's user avatar
-1 votes
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National Land Cover Dataset 2016 Land Cover Change Index Values Meaning

After downloading and clipping the NLCD 2016 Land Cover Change Index raster and viewing it in ArcMap, the table of contents shows a legend with values 0-12. They are depicted in the following picture: ...
geoscience123's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Generate_arc -- Not familiar with its usage and inputs/outputs

I'm using ArcGIS Advanced in order to generate a coverage (I've never worked with coverages before --nor ArcGIS really, know the basics, but not this). I am trying to write a python script to generate ...
TheLastGIS's user avatar
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How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Determine unknown projection coordinates [duplicate]

I have some data in ArcGIS, but unfortunately there isn't projection coordinate, like the picture below: This place is in America and its longitude and latitude is about -75.2° and 40.1°. Can anyone ...
T X's user avatar
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Exporting symbology to attribute table using ArcMap

I created symbology classes of many polylines in ArcMap 10.2. I want to know the class that each polyline belongs to (maybe written in a new field on the attribute table? or by exporting the symbology ...
uttat's user avatar
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Erase tool not erasing all overlapping features in ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro. I have two land maps which are each polygon feature classes composed of multiple polygons. I want to erase overlapping features by using the erase tool. To ensure the erase has ...
EdyK's user avatar
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Installing ArcBruTile and ArcGIS Desktop?

i want to use Google Maps with Arcgis 10.3 , after Some Search i Found (Arcbrutile 0.2), so i downloaded Arcbrutile 0.2 and install it, then when i continue to register it using Esriregasm.exe i ...
user3503064's user avatar
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Ranking polygons within feature class by group and by area in ArcMap [duplicate]

I have a polygon feature class with attribute fields 'name', 'rank' and 'area' in an Esri file geodatabase. For each name there are multiple features (polygons) in the feature class. So let's say 5 ...
Wilbert H's user avatar
-2 votes
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Connecting Garmin GPS Device to ArcMap? [closed]

I Have a problem regarding connecting my Garmin GPS 18x USB to ArcMap. It is not working.Can you tell me any advice.
Kwai Hai K's user avatar
-3 votes
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Clipping WMS in region using ArcGIS for Desktop? [closed]

Is it possible to open a wms in arcgis and then to cut it in a small region (20km * 20km) which i want and finally i make a tiff file?
vera's user avatar
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Need to calculate distance (Node to Node) along the lines [closed]

I have a Shapefile (polygon), I need to calculate distance (Node to Node) along the lines in map unit(meter or kilometer). I want to do it in ArcGIS.
Kazi Hifajat's user avatar

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