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Questions tagged [trajectory]

An ordered collection of x,y,time coordinates.

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Automating Trajectory Processing in ArcGIS Pro

I'm currently working on a project where I'm processing a year's worth of Sentinel-6 data as it passes over different locations. I've been able to automate much of the process, but I haven't been able ...
Will Joca's user avatar
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Defining outbound and return directions of GPS points in QGIS

In QGIS, I have a layer of points corresponding to the positions of my vehicles every 2 seconds. So, my layer contains the following information: XY coordinates Vehicle number GPS heading Timestamp ...
Youssra El Moussaoui's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a common method for measuring "curviness" of a line?

I have a bunch of GPS tracks in a Postgres+PostGIS database and want to extract a single metric as a measure of turns shown in the data. Some of the GPS targets travel in almost straight lines while ...
RedM's user avatar
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Calculate kinematic data within a PostGIS trajectory [closed]

I have a number of glider flight tracks recorded in GPX format and I would like to extract kinematic data such as instantaneous vertical velocity for charting and further analysis. There's plenty of ...
user19425's user avatar
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How do I animate paths from points using temporal controller on QGIS, or in other words, connect points from a user with a line that changes w time

I want to animate people moving using temporal controller. I have a dataset that shows people's locations on a particular day, and these locations are points. I, however, want the points for each ...
rteam22's user avatar
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Counting telemetry intersections with a polygon in R

I am currently tracking animals in national parks and have lat/long and date/time data for individuals and a polygon shapefile for the park boundary. I want to know how many times individuals leave ...
Taggerung's user avatar
1 vote
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Transforming a linestring table to trajectories on the fly

I have the following code: tracks AS (SELECT imei, st_setsrid(ST_MakeLine(points_geom ORDER BY time_created),4326) AS track from subset_cr GROUP BY imei ) Is there any way I can ...
analyst92's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Trajectory density map or line density map

Data: ships AIS trajectory Data with longitude and latitude. (that data is a CSV file with several columns:id,time,lon,lat,etc.)// I transform the point to line, every line is a ship trajectory. Now I ...
Zhenyun Sun's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converting GPS co-ordinates to relative trajectories

I wish to convert GPS co-ordinates of an object (say, a car) to a relative trajectory. So suppose I'm travelling from A to B, at A I need to know the precise x-y-z co-ordinate from my current point (...
neel g's user avatar
  • 49
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Ideal procedure to deal with faulty data for generation of LiDAR trajectory [closed]

The reason for this post is to understand possible remedial measures when one is dealing with a lidar dataset that is faulty (incorrectly populated, missing trajectory information etc.). Obviously, re-...
K_D's user avatar
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Points of tracklog inside a polygon with a re-enter tolerance

I have points in PostGIS that represent GPS coordinates with a timestamp from a tracklog. I'm interested in selecting the times at which the tracklog entered and exited the polygon with a certain ...
Enrique Vargas's user avatar
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Clipping common overlapping regions in multiple trajectories

I have 20 trajectories I found a method on Github The method's output is shown below. There are two GPS traces one in blue and other in Red. The overlapping ...
varun kumar's user avatar
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Generate synthetic trajectory dataset that has global coverage

I want to generate a spatial trajectory dataset which basically contains tuples - (lat,lon,time), grouped together by an identifier so they form trajectories. In addition, I want this dataset to have ...
Jio's user avatar
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Is there a measure that account for the the location diversity and trajectory distance of agents?

I am currently working on project to assess the success of musicians. For each musician I know when and where (coordinates,city,county) they performed in a gig. I assume a successful musician is the ...
Moj's user avatar
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Count number of overlapping map matched GPS trajectories with road network

I map matched a sequence of GPS-points to a road network using the Offline-Map Matching plugin for QGIS. This map matched trajectory passes certain roads segments multiple times (for example, the ...
winecity's user avatar
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Creating animation of movement along shortest path

In my project I need to find the shortest path between different layer points. I did this using the network analysis shortest path tool for single points and OD-matrix tool with QNEAT 3 Plugin for ...
Ana's user avatar
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Geopandas shows points outside of buffer geometry even though inside

I have some ship trajectories and I want to know which point of the trajectory is inside the port(=buffer) and which points are outside. The following picture shows my Geopandas Dataframe with the ...
gete's user avatar
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Function to make a trajectory more straight

I'm new at PostGIS and I have to do a project for my university course. I'm trying to analyze a trajectory of points that I downloaded from my runtastic app but it's a mess. There are some points ...
Rita Albertini's user avatar
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Seeking algorithm that can re-locate vertices on linestring so that line does not intersect land polygons

I'm currently working with GPS data gathered from boats. The data has low temporal resolution (every 5 minutes) which causes the linestrings that display the boat's trajectory to be jagged. An example ...
Devin Simmons's user avatar
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Making a raster coverage that shows the average speed of points

I had a layer of points of trajectory and I wanted to create a map of the average speed of the movement. I have a column of speed in the table of points. I created a big base raster coverage. Then, I ...
milad's user avatar
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GPS accuracy deviation the same in an area?

I am using a GPS receiver to perform a speedtest over a few meters. I’ve read that the GPS is accurate up to 4 meters. Is the deviation the same in an open area and also over a short period of time? ...
Robin Jansen's user avatar
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Speed- and COG-aware trajectory interpolation/resampling using Python

I have a set of ship trajectory points that were irregularly sampled and I would like to resample them to a fixed frequency (e.g. every minute). Rather than just linearly interpolating between ...
atkat12's user avatar
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Plot trajectory in R

Does anyone knows a library/technique in R where you can plot a trajectory using multiple timesteps (points) where each point does have a lat/lon coordinate? I have this data x <- read.table("...
Andrei Niță's user avatar
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Converting trajectory to outer edges polygon

Using PostGIS, I'm trying to solve the following problem: I have trajectory data (coordinates from API query), like on this image: and want to convert it into polygon, having only outer edges:
Jason's user avatar
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Trajectory similarity: calculate distance between two trajectories [closed]

I have two sets of coordinates. And I'd like to calculate the distance between two trajectories by Python. Especially, I'd like to get the point which is the most distant. How can I calculate ? Or ...
yyykkkyyy's user avatar
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How do I convert points to line in QGIS 3?

I have a dataset of gps points with DateTime and id field and I would like to create a line vector so that I can use this vector for interpolation on a raster. My goal is to find the mean of the ...
Salvatore Valente's user avatar
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User tracking on a defined route

I am having a vehicle route with a set of latitude and longitude values. User need travel on the specified route, If user deviates from the route (greater than 100 meters), we need to identify in ...
Muthu's user avatar
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Linear referencing route events for trajectory data

I am trying to show route events for depths with trajectory data. The depth data has both positive and negative values (starts 50m above sea level and ends km's below the sea level). The below process ...
Sam's user avatar
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Documentation on the format of a Leica SOL file

I have a file in Leica's SOL Sensor Trajectory Format (the filename has the pattern yyyymmdd_HHMMSS.sol) which I'd like to read. Can anyone point me to documentation on the format? Supposedly it ...
cffk's user avatar
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Identifying activity places in GPS trajectories using R?

Is there a way in R (a script or package) that would allow identifying activity spots in GPS tracking data? I have a number of GPS tracks in GPX/CSV formats that follow the movements of people in a ...
magnolian's user avatar
1 vote
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Interactive shapefile based map

I'm developing an interactive web-based navigation application which user can search locations and navigate from point A to point B by an online map. The routing algorithm (find shortest trajectory ...
bijan's user avatar
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25 votes
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Seeking Algorithm to detect circling and beginning and end of circle?

I've got lots of flight data from glider pilots in the form of gps fixes in a fixed interval. I would like to analyze the flight path and detect the start and the end of the 'circling' the glider ...
pgross's user avatar
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Intersection of 4D Trajectory with 4D Polyeder (3D + time)

I have worldwide small polygons (lat/lon WGS84) for different heights (z-coordinate) for several timestamps (m). I want to store them in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database as 4D objects (2D polygons + ...
Oliver Matz's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculating standing times

I have n objects and each object has m positions. Every position is defined by x, y (in millimeters) and a (unix) timestamp. { objId: 'a-b-c', x: 123, y: 567, date: 123456789, } Now I want ...
K..'s user avatar
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6 votes
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3D time dimension (x,y,t) [closed]

I'm working with data points (x,y) and timestamp t as a separate attribute in my table. (x, y) are in WGS 84 latitude,longitude format while timestamp is in Unix Time. For instance (71.8, -13.5) and ...
Alexis K.'s user avatar
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Path Matching for Journeys Using XY Coordinates [closed]

I am trying to find some suggestions on ways or algorithms to determine path similarity. An illustration of 3 paths using made up data is given below. The title should be finding similar paths instead ...
syebill's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to find fluctuant parts in a trajectory

I am currently doing an assignment on how to compress a trajectory. Given a trajectory T1 in figure 1, and I want to get a compressed version as T2. For segments p0~p3 and p6~p9 in T2, I can obtain ...
Guan Yuan's user avatar
5 votes
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Open a SBET file format in GIS software

After a LiDAR flight, we can get a file containing the airplane trajectory in SBET format - Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory. Is it possible to open it in a GIS software like QGIS or ArcGIS? If ...
Gorgens's user avatar
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Road segments reconstruction from GPS trajectories [duplicate]

We have a 10,000 base of vehicle mounted moving devices which report their GPS position on a time based schedule. All that data is currently being stored in our database for several business related ...
gvasquez's user avatar
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13 votes
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Detecting and fixing outliers in a GPS trajectory

I need to find an algorithm or method that can detect outlier latitude longitude points in a trajectory during post-processing, which can then be fixed (brought back into the trajectory's path based ...
J.P.'s user avatar
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How to generate missing points in GPS trajectories?

I have some GPS trajectories that include gps locations recorded on variable frequencies (every 1 min ,5 min , 20 min,etc.)using a geographic projection WGS84. In my work, i need a fine-grained GPS ...
Mehdi Boukhechba's user avatar
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How to get speed and acceleration from trajectory data?

I am using Java and netbeans as a IDE to develop a project. I have got some trajectory data by applying a spatial query. My question is, how can I get speed and acceleration for these trajectory data? ...
Arash m's user avatar
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Trajectory / ballistics

I'm trying to calculate if a canon will be able to shoot over a height in the terrain. lets saytThe canon have to be 15'000-18'000m from the target, and the impact degrees have to be over 30 degrees....
Einar's user avatar
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Track Traffic Display in World Wind [duplicate]

Is it possible to play records which has trajectories and time stamps as live traffics. I did investigate the World Wind SDK but I can not see special classes for aviation or Tracks and trajectory ...
zacoder's user avatar
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Longest Common Subsequence for trajectory matching in Python

Is there any fast implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence algorithm for trajectory matching in Python? Ideally it would work with trajectories of different length in 2d spaces.
Drew's user avatar
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Matching GPS tracks

I'm looking for a proper way to process multiple GPS tracks (so time ordered list of lat/lon points) and match/classify that segments, that are covered by multiple tracks: So it's not about recording,...
Mapper's user avatar
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Storing and indexing large trajectory dataset generated by cars' GPS [closed]

I have a large trajectory dataset generated by cars' GPS. Since I will do some data mining work on them, I need an efficient way to store and index them. I read some papers about Trajectory Indexing (...
Gandalf's user avatar
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Reading SBET file in python?

I have an SBET (Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory) file that I would like to read in python. I found these links that discuss options for reading/writing SBET files, but I was wondering if our ...
Barbarossa's user avatar
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Literature on the appoximation of trajectory points with (smooth) curves

We are gathering trajectories of GPS points of moving objects (cars, bikes, etc.) and would like to compute approximate curves (that may self-intersect) that would represent those clouds of points. ...
arthur's user avatar
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WMS Geoserver layer over OSM

I have a Geoserver with a layer in a EPSG:32632 projection. I want to display this layer over Open Street Map tiles. When I use the following html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head&...
Bulkilol's user avatar
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