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4 votes

Why are QGIS's QuickMapServices on Mac (Apple) not showing up like on Windows?

It is not a Mac OS X or a Windows problem, simply add the contributed services Then
gene's user avatar
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4 votes

QGIS Vector Grid tool differences in Apple and Windows?

On windows 2.14 you get the same layout as the one you see on your Apple. The one you see in 2.16 is the form from the tool in the Processing toolbox. So it isn't an apple/windows thing; just ...
Liam G's user avatar
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1 vote

Uploading Tile Packages to Apple Ipad

Officially "Files app (iOS)—Copy the basemap file (.tpk, .tpkx, or .vtpk) you want on your device to a website that is available in the Files app, for example, iCloud Drive, Box, or Google Drive....
Mapperz's user avatar
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QGIS Print composer's Atlas export file options missing Tiff on Mac

Looks like Given that it's > 2 years old it may be worth contacting your QGIS support provider and putting pressure on them to fix this.
ndawson's user avatar
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