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14 votes

What is this UK coordinate system?

Any data you receive from the UK with out a specified CRS will almost certainly be in OSGB (EPSG:27700) which is the preferred CRS of our national mapping agency (OS). Your data appears to be no ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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8 votes

UK regional shape map with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

What you really want are Eurostat NUTS Level 1 boundaries, which include UK regions and also the whole of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can fetch the latest 2018 data from UK Office for ...
arredond's user avatar
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7 votes

Looking for DEM data of Brighton UK

geostore 25cm, 50cm, 1m, 2m LiDAR You will probably need to download a few tile to cover Brighton OS Terrain - 50m Grid or 10m ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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7 votes

Uploading CSV file without coordinates in QGIS

Your data is related to "LSOAs in England and Wales and Data Zones in Scotland." (from the readme) so you need to download some LSOA boundaries (and Data Zones in Scotland). Then you can ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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6 votes

Generating random lat/long coordinates

What you want to do is to generate a random set of numbers within the following approximated box: [Longitude, Latitude] [-10.8544921875, 49.82380908513249], [-10.8544921875, 59.478568831926395], ...
Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen's user avatar
5 votes

UK Post Code Location References

Ordnance Survey provides some free open data on postcodes called 'Code-Point Open'. It is a csv of the post-code with a lat long attribute. I'd suggest getting hold of this data then extracting just ...
Knightshound's user avatar
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5 votes

Purchasing NDVI imagery for South Western England?

I don't think this is the answer you're looking for but with the specifications you describe, unless there is a subscription through which the farmers need to finance imagery purchase, it would ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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5 votes

Using UK Government Data in QGIS?

UK Government data in general, and definitely in this case, is stored using the Ordnance Survey's national grid coordinates. So you need to ask QGIS to set the projection of the layers to EPSG:27700. ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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5 votes

Seeking vector data for wind speed and operating turbines in UK?

When you import a shapefile (or zipped shapefile) into QGis is just displays the data using a random color. So you need to style it and select a attribute to colour it in by and how you'd like the ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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5 votes

Distances between points British National Grid (BNG)

Using NUTS-3 centroids with the Near (Analysis) tool, the geodetic distance between the Shetland Islands and Jersey was calculated to be 1191878.03 meters. Using a Euclidean distance after projecting ...
Vince's user avatar
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5 votes

Confusion on Northing and Easting values in UK

If you have coordinates in the UK they are more likely to be in OSGB (EPSG:27700) rather than a UTM zone (since the Greenwich meridian is a join between them).
Ian Turton's user avatar
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4 votes

Complete list of UK postcodes plus their city, county, uk country

I would recommend the National Statistics Postcode Lookup. It seems to be the official source.
Jinhua Wang's user avatar
4 votes

Ordnance Survey grids - download or generate?

From 29 January 2021, you can download a GeoPackage containing these grids at a number of resolutions (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 km) from Ordnance Survey's GitHub:
nms's user avatar
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4 votes

Seeking shapefile of 2km DINTY Tetrad squares for UK?

there is a way in QGIS, using the TomBio plugin, to generate tetrad squares for an area of interest. More info and youtube tutorials available here. To use this... zoom to an area of interest e.g. ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
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4 votes

Looking for DEM data of Brighton UK

Just to add to the nice answer from @Clubdebambos, assuming you are studying at a UK-based university, you may also have access to the Edina Digimap as this also contains OS Terrain data where you can ...
Joseph's user avatar
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4 votes

Projection parameters different for British National Grid between QGIS and ArcMap?

For most of the world EPSG:27700 is defined as: PROJCS["OSGB 1936 / British National Grid",GEOGCS["OSGB 1936",DATUM["OSGB_1936",SPHEROID["Airy 1830",6377563.396,299.3249646,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7001"]],...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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4 votes

Location of UK Town to Postal Sector database or .csv

Try the Ordnance Survey Code Point Open. It has administrative district code and administrative ward code attributes you can join to ons codes to get the relevant information.
firefly-orange's user avatar
4 votes

What are last four columns in Royal Mail CSV PAF data used for?

I contacted Royal Mail about this, the additional fields (in order are): Address Key Organisation Key Number of Households Locality Key More information about Address and Organisation Keys can be ...
Leigh's user avatar
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4 votes

Determining CRS for contoured road map of England and Wales

This one worked for me: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid EPSG:2770 To answer your questions: "Can you advise me something about finding CRS in general?" You would start with looking at ...
Hans Erren's user avatar
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Appropriate map projection for the UK and Republic of Ireland?

I'd use ETRS89-extended/LCC Europe (EPSG:3034) which avoids the anoying issue of picking a UTM zone which always lose parts of eastern England to the east of Greenwich.
Ian Turton's user avatar
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4 votes

Confusion on Northing and Easting values in UK

The coordinates you have are in British National Grid and not UTM. As indicated by Ian. This can be checked using the Grid Inquest II reprojector: The British National Grid is curated by the ...
JimT's user avatar
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3 votes

UK Polygon Property Boundaries and Addresses

You will need to purchase (or work for an organisation that has purchased) Ordnance Survey's MasterMap topographic area data for your area of interest. You may also be able to buy the same ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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3 votes

Understanding LSOA and MSOA boundaries (UK)?

(Caveate: I'm newer to the specifics of National Statistics' Output Area geography than you are.) From both the BoundaryViewer and output-areas-explained links you provide, I reach the same conclusion ...
Martin F's user avatar
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3 votes

Shapefiles of the UK

You may use the datasets available from DIVA-GIS. If you select your country (United Kingdom), you will access to data (as raster or vector maps) about: Administrative areas; Inland waters; Roads; ...
mgri's user avatar
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3 votes

Need second-level subdivisions (Counties) for the United Kingdom

Looking at the list you link to you will need several layers from the OS Boundary-line data set - two-tier county are in county_region London borough are in district_borough_unitary_region ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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3 votes

Seeking Postcode Shapefiles for UK? This website has the recently updated UK Postcode Area, Postcode District and Postcode Sector shapefiles in the '' file.
camnesia's user avatar
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3 votes

NDVI data for UK?

You can also use AppEEARS data portal to search for and download MODIS NDVI products. The big advantage of this service is that you do not have to download complete scenes but set the AOI instead and ...
Basile's user avatar
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3 votes

Converting Northings/Eastings to Longitude/Latitude using R issue with Northern Ireland?

EPSG:27700 is the Great British Grid and as such doesn't include Northern Ireland. Your coordinates are most likely on the Irish Grid EPSG:29903 which should fix your issue. It won't help with your ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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3 votes

Location of UK Town to Postal Sector database or .csv

Ordnance Survey Open Names (open data) gives you postcode and populated place, where populated place is a city, town, village, or some other place where people live. For example: SW1A 1AA -> City of ...
Dan Winchester's user avatar
3 votes

Discrepancies in reprojection to British National Grid using different software

Try this command from your GDAL shell: projinfo -s epsg:4326 -t epsg:27700 You will probably see at the end of the output Grid OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb needed but not found on the system. Can be ...
user30184's user avatar
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