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How to pixelwise annotation with QGIS

I need to create masks with QGIS of hedgerows for satellite images (raster) segmentation. I tried with the SCP plugin but I can't use growing algorithm because I only want to keep hedgerows, not ...
antoine Mathu's user avatar
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How to access BLOB file from database table published to ArcGIS REST service

I have published a query table that contains a BLOB field to ArcGIS REST and have not been able to access the images. I tried using esriRequest, but the response type that returns is text, and I think ...
GeoGene's user avatar
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Compress Large size of satellite image by Open Source GIS software [closed]

I have a new challenge to compress large size of satellite image from 59GB to 10GB as maximum size by Open Source GIS software to publish it to GeoServer.
GIS Man's user avatar
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Saving osgeo.gdal.Dataset as GeoTIFF or JPEG with world files using GDAL from Python?

I am trying to take a plain JPEG with no spatial references, apply ground control points (GCPs) to it, and output a georeferenced GeoTIFF or JPEG with world files. I found some code that seemed like ...
Kat's user avatar
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Downloading Aster level 1T product?

When I try to download Aster level 1T data from the USGS Earth Explorer site it asks me to enter my username and password over and over when I click on download link of my desired product. What ...
atila's user avatar
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Post Orthorectification error reduction? [closed]

I am trying to orthorectify an old aerial photo that has control points. When I run an output and then validate it I find some offset or distortion. What should I do to fix this? Does anyone have ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Georeferencing multiple images as GeoTIFF (same size and extents) in QGIS

I have 50 images and I want to georeference them all on to the exactly same place. They have all the exactly same size and extends. I've begun to load the same georeferencing points for every single ...
user122841's user avatar
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Georeference an image by knowing two Lat/Long coordinates?

How can I georeference an unrotated image by knowing two Lat/Lng coordinates? I tried to transform the coordinates to UTM, but this didn't work (for me), because I also need to rotate it and ...
hideous's user avatar
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Problem with WMS/WMTS Layer Image Quality in QGIS

I have been using an aerial provided by the state. I add the layer as a WMS/WMTS. Typically the quality is on-par with the resolution depicted in the online hosted mapping program (GeoWeb). However, ...
Marie D's user avatar
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Extracting qualified image patches in Google Earth Engine?

I want to extract qualified (e.g., cloud-free) image patches (e.g. size of 128x128) in a large image (e.g. 10000x10000) in Google Earth Engine. These image patches can overlap with other qualified ...
Maosi Chen's user avatar
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ECW not reocgnized as supported file format in GDAL operation

I've installed QGIS 3.6 for MAC, with GDAL 2.4, ECW GDAL Plugin for GDAL 2.4, and manually installed the libraries from ERDAS ECWJP2SDK 5.4. This allows me to insert ECW files as raster layers in ...
BMM's user avatar
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ODK Aggregate PostGIS and MapServer WFS with attached images

I am using ODK Collect to collect ground data. The data collected are stored into a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database then I publish them as WFS through MapServer and read them with Leaflet (Leaflet-WFST ...
sebastien's user avatar
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Interactive trigger for external image viewer?

Is it possible to navigate from point to point with a shortcut on the keyboard and interactively (tracking) display the embedded photos at the point locations in an external image viewer? I could do ...
rocKson's user avatar
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Point cloud/image comparison?

I used MATLAB software to classify point cloud data into 3 classes; (1) main; (2) protrusion and (3) recess. In MATLAB I assigned a distinctive color to each class to differentiate between classes (...
fifi's user avatar
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Using .map() to display multiple images in an ImageCollection [duplicate]

How do I display multiple images from an image collection using .map()? // Create clipping function var clipper = function(image){ return image.clip(geometry); }; // Load image collection var ...
Vijay Ramesh's user avatar
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How to insert multiple images in the Atlas in QGIS?

I have a layer of CROSS SECTIONS (34) and the same number of IMAGES correspondent of each section. In the cross sections layer I have a column named PHOTOS where I defined this field as "ATTACHMENTS > ...
Paulo Martinho's user avatar
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EE:A region must be a GeoJSON Polygon or LinearRing. Got: 'MultiPolygon'

Tried to export transition classes for a region of interest. I cant export image to drive for my selected feature collection. Getting an error after running for a while,"A region must be a GeoJSON ...
Sourav Karmakar's user avatar
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Mosaicking images with different CRS using rasterio

I am doing mosaicing of 14 raster images (.img format) to completely cover a province.see original spatial location of separately opened tiles(). Mosiac operation is completed but 4 tiles are mosiaced ...
Gopal Krishna's user avatar
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How to Sample Locations from a Satellite Image

I am using the Near infrared and red bands from satellite images to research soil quality in southern Africa. The study site is about 20 km wide and 20 km long so almost square shape, and I am using 5 ...
J. A.'s user avatar
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When adding properties to an image, no longer allowed to add to Map

If I create an image, that I add properties to, I can no longer add the image to the Map. How can I add it, or how can I add properties so that it doesn't break? var myPoint = ee.Geometry.Point([-64....
Sean Roulet's user avatar
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Borders appear when reducing the global opacity of multiple raster images in QGIS 3.2.3

I want to reduce the opacity of multiple raster images and when I use the global opacity slider to do so, black borders appear between my images. I would want to eliminate these borders.
William's user avatar
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Use open layers plugin display as georeferenced image in QGIS

Could someone tell me if it is possible to save a plugin open layers display as georeferenced image in QGIS 2.18?
Paulo Martinho's user avatar
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Intersect of raster image on Google Earth Engine

I have this situation on Google Earth Engine: 3 different images, each of these are made by 17 different bands. These bands represent the different year. I call these images with these letter: a,b ...
matt85's user avatar
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Pleiades atmospheric correction

I have phr1a and phr1b images (Pleiades) and I need to make atmospheric correction. First, I tried to do this by using Envi FLAASH. by the way, I tried also ERDAS atcor but there was also same ...
noruinis's user avatar
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Reading a 4 band image with rasterio (python)

I am trying to view a tif satellite image which has 4 bands. I want to remove the last band (NIR) and view the RGB image only, so I am trying to split the NIR from the rest of the image. Here is my ...
Nour's user avatar
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QGIS Web View doesn't show up picture correctly

As a part of my graduation project, im working in data system that can show up features about a railway inspection. One of the features are images that show up failures. These images are from URL ...
Emanuel Murillo's user avatar
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Unsupervised classification in ERDAS imagine

I am trying to make a classification to run some index ( like NDVI) to see the change over time using the image difference function. Is it possible to do an unsupervised classification on one image ...
user132874's user avatar
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Keep high resolution on image export?

I'm currently trying to export a PDF from an image service that we have hosted. The imagery looks great within Arcmap, but the exported imagery looks really rough (coarsened). Does anyone know what ...
Schack's user avatar
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ERDAS Imagine signature picker colour changing RGB numbers?

I've noticed something with the signature picker in ERDAS and I was wondering if it is a bug or a feature. When I create classes I assign a colour to make them easily readable in the classified ...
Dakan_GIS's user avatar
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Convert PNG image to Shapefile in QGIS [closed]

I have a district boundary shapefile. I want to divide that district according to the boundaries given in image. How we can achieve it? Can we add vector file first then add image as an overlay on ...
Saurabh Yadav's user avatar
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Reprojecting a SHP in QGIS to used it in ERDAS

I´m trying to created a AOI in ERDAS with a shapefile, but this shapefile had a projected system different to system that my image has, because of that I changed the projected system of the shp in ...
Na_Na_Na's user avatar
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How to convert masks generated by rasterio to channel last mask

The problem is about using rasterio to generate mask from GeoJSON file which contains geographic coordinates. The function that I used is from: from import mask with rasterio....
Shijin Yang's user avatar
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Could not allocate required memory for image

I'm trying to export a 24k image (export set to 1650DPI) using the "export as image" function but I keep getting the "Could not allocate required memory for image" warning. I don't understand why ...
James Kelly's user avatar
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Classification erosion - semi-automatic classification plugin

I get an error when working Classification Erosion tool in Semi-automatic Classification Plugin (SCP). I use QGIS v3.2.2 and SCP v6.2.4. The tool is not changing the pixels of the raster layer and ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Masking an image in Erdas using Thematic Image, the mask comes out looking wrong and completely different than input image

I am trying to mask out shadows and clouds in a WV2 8-band image. I classified an image to identify the shadows and clouds and then using the mask took in erdas used the classified image to mask out ...
K.Sanders's user avatar
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White stripe when exporting QgsLayout Map to image

I have a problem when I try to export a Map in the Layout of QGIS 3 with the Python API. Here is my code : qpt = QDomDocument() qpt.setContent(content) layout = QgsLayout(QgsProject().instance()) ...
dmjf08's user avatar
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Image collection to Single Image in Google Earth Engine

I'm stuck with an issue in google earth engine. I'm working with MODIS Burned Area Monthly Global 500m, for a certain polygon area: var MOD = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD64A1'); var MOD1 = MOD....
Vann's user avatar
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Colorize radar imagery so it looks like optical imagery

Here is an imagery from a radar satellite Is it possible to colorize a radar image, so it looks like and enables the same kinds of analysis as for an image captured from an optical satellite (simple ...
GIS's user avatar
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Smooth mosaicking of smaller orthomosaics to form a homogenous mosaic

This image below is generated using Erdas Imagine where I used mosaicpro tool to create a super mosaic of orthomosaics generated using PIX4d I used following options: Color Balancing Color Dodging ...
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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Histograms in Erdas Imagine staying grey

When I open the metadata in Erdas Imagine 2016 of a raster file (I tried several different raster files) the histogram at the histogram button stays grey. I already tried to change the setting of NAs ...
Li12's user avatar
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How to work on histograms in ERDAS Imagine?

Is there a possibility to work on histograms in ERDAS Imagine? For example: Compare histograms of different images or different extents Shift them or find patterns I thought there must be good ...
Li12's user avatar
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Merging Shapefile with Image in QGIS? [closed]

QGIS version 3.2.1 Windows 10 Project File on GitHub Shape files on Github I am trying to create shapefile from coffee cup image. The actual coffee should be the shapefile. However I would like ...
Artie Ladie's user avatar
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Earth engine error: Error: Invalid argument: 'image' must be of type Image

I'm trying to export an image for some SST temperatures for a given region ( and imported table EEZ) but I'm getting the error; Error: Invalid argument: 'image' must be of type Image Map.addLayer(...
mikejwilliamson's user avatar
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Set multiple values to nodata - Erdas Imagine 2015

I am having trouble with the data ranges in the Landsat 8 surface reflectance product which I downloaded from USGS. The Lansat 8 surface reflectance handbook says the valid range is 0 - 10,000 range ...
lyseng's user avatar
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What does 4.5 mm resolution mean?

this is a rather simple and trivial question, but before I contact my supervisor I want to get sure. I have a .tif image that says the resolution is 4.5 x 4.5 mm. The output of gdalinfo is: Pixel Size ...
Lau's user avatar
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Processing drone Images of body of water?

I took some pictures of a body of a body of water using a multi-spectral sensor attached to drone. When trying to process the image using Pix4D, more than 50% of pictures were unable to calibrated. ...
Perro's user avatar
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Reducing image collection separately for each image to make series?

I know how to reduce a collection to one image, or an image to a value in Google Earth Engine. But I can not find an easy way to reduce each image in a collection to a statistics and get a list of ...
Shahriar49's user avatar
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Detect the coordinate reference system based on an image

Given a map as image, how can I find out which coordinate reference system it has? The question is general, but here is a specific example. Below is the map for which I want to find the coordinate ...
lexicore's user avatar
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How to download satellite image from using API key

I would like to know what to do (step by step in simple words) and how to get data from There is tutorial but anyways I have ...
AngelaG's user avatar
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ArcMap Image Analysis Window - functionality is grayed out

In ArcMap's Image Analysis Window, none of the tools are available even though I have a raster selected in the window. I do not have Editor turned on. I can't identify why the Processing tools are ...
Irish_Tink's user avatar

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