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Import point cloud into PostgreSQL/ pdal pipeline fails

I have a point cloud dataset that I would like to upload to my postgres/postgis database. I followed this tutorial and I could install everything without problems (on ubuntu 14.04. On ubuntu 12.04 ...
Tamas Kosa's user avatar
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Why does GeoServer copy my PostGIS tables?

I have some geospatial data in a PostGIS database. I want to serve that data to a web map app with GeoServer. But every time I add a table as a layer in GeoServer, it creates a duplicate table in ...
Xavier Holt's user avatar
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using existing SLD style with postgis layers in Opengeo Composer

I have exported some styles from QGIS as SLD files and then loaded them into GeoServer. I have published a couple of layers from a PostGIS database and these load nicely in the OpenGeo Composer with ...
Russell Fulton's user avatar
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Boundless Opengeo Suite: Geoserver fails to launch due to Java heap size

When I go to start Boundless OpenGeo Suite 3.1 from the OpenGeo Suite Dashboard, Geoserver will launch if I point it to the default geoserver data_dir, but when I point it to mine, which I have used ...
MakinFlippyFloppy's user avatar
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Is it possible to store data on Amazon S3 for use in OpenGeo Suite?

We've got about 500GB of geospatial data we'd like to "web-enable" to various degrees and OpenGeo Suite seems like a good route to go down given our circumstances. We can sort out a server (probably ...
Charles Roper's user avatar
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Why am I missing the the geometry column (geometry_columns)?

Can anyone tell me what could I be doing wrong? I have installed OpenGeo and started doing the exercises. I noticed that every time I create a database through the pgAdmin, the geometry column (...
Ernesto CD's user avatar
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opengeo-suite upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1 on Ubuntu and I can't start GeoServer

I'm having trouble starting GeoServer after updating all of the opengeo-suite applications via apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. GWC works, the dashboard is there as is ...
Alex Leith's user avatar
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Intersecting 3 tables with Spatial SQL

I have three tables I need to intersect but not sure how to get the third Heres what I have so far: SELECT, SUM(nyc_census_blocks.popn_total) AS POP FROM nyc_neighborhoods JOIN ...
Adam's user avatar
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3 answers

Looking for PDF map downloading capability in OpenGeo GXP

I am looking for a plugin to OpenGeo GXP in order to download maps in PDF format. Could you help me?
Felipe Souza's user avatar
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QGIS OpenGeo Explorer plugin and https geoserver

Is there a way to connect to a secure geoserver with OpenGeo Explorer plugin in QGIS? When I connect to geosever with a secure protocol I get the error Warning: Cannot connect using the provided ...
risail's user avatar
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Seeking Tutorial for Boundless Web App Builder?

Anyone know where is I can get tutorial for Boundless Web App Builder with QGIS for Open Geo Suite? (in video or pdf format). I had tried to search on Google, and tutorial mostly for ArcGIS.
Rifki Fauzi's user avatar
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How to get public access to edit a layer in geoserver [closed]

I want to develop a GIS system with OpenLayers and GeoServer which is installed with OpenGeo Suite 4.1 and I need to edit a layer with no GeoServer authentication. This means that guest members should ...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
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Using more than one group for single layer in GeoServer?

I have a huge number of layers in my geoserver that I have painstakingly imported and they all work correctly when viewed with GeoExplorer etc. I want to know if there is any way to create set maps ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Dynamically add style to layer with user inputs

I am trying to create an SLD dynamically using parameters accepted from user. So how could I accomplish the task of adding the dynamically created SLD to my map layer? Please tell me how to add style ...
Teetu's user avatar
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The requested URL /geoserver was not found on this server

I am a beginner with GeoServer. I have started reading the Boundless tutorial: introduction to GeoServer. In the very first step, for installing the OpenGeo Suite and running the welcome page of ...
Catlover's user avatar
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Opengeo : Add new server dialog doesn't show up

While trying to follow the tutorial of Opengeo for creating a new application, I am getting stuck on one of the first steps: namely the addition of a new server dialog. (
Pierric's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite 3.1 doesn't work anymore when setting up Client SDK 3.0.2

We've installed OpenGeo Suite 3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and everything works fine. When trying to set up the OpenGeo Client SDK 3.0.2 (following
tobik's user avatar
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adding feature grid using ClientSDK

I am adding a Feature Grid in the Map page using this tutorial and I am not sure where exactly I have to add, autoLoadFeatures: true The tutorial says that I need to edit the feature manager section ...
Sam007's user avatar
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Converting ArcGIS style (symbology) to font for MapInfo/OpenGeo?

This is related to Retain ESRI symbology in Mapinfo TAB As a workaround I am wondering if I can save all my ESRI symbology from the lyr files created using the script below to an ESRI style sheet and ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Which web application framework is easiest for building website displaying lot of geospatial data?

I am building a simple website that displays a lot of geospatial data (which is routed through Geoserver). I was trying to use Drupal-6 to build the website component (non geospatial descriptions) but ...
GeoH2O's user avatar
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Cannot populate a Ext GridPanel through GeoExt WMSCapabilitiesStore

I've been working through a few tutorial/starter map samples on the OpenGeo and GeoExt websites and have come upon a problem I cannot solve. I'm trying to load a list of layers from my GeoServer into ...
Don Meltz's user avatar
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3 answers

Building Final Web App from QGIS Web App Builder?

I have used Web App Builder plugin for QGIS from Boundless to build a web application, but the application only shows in a browser when I click Preview. The application created using Create App does ...
suyogya dahal's user avatar
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Is the OpenGeo Suite available via Docker?

Given that many GIS apps such as GeoServer & PostGIS are available as docker images, has anyone made a OpenGeo Suite Docker Image? I'm searching for this, since the installation page for OpenGeo, ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
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Start postgis (Opengeo suite azure linux vm)

I have a fresh Azure Linux VM based on Opengeo suite. The dashboard and geoserver are working. But I can't connect or configure postgis. I follow this guide. Via putty, logged in with the only ...
MattPil29's user avatar
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How to resolve this error with GeoServer Explorer Plugin

This morning I changed my default password of geoserver and since then publishing layers or projects from QGIS not working using GeoServer Explorer Plugin. I am getting this error while trying to ...
Deep's user avatar
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Ol3 Boundless - layer selector placement

I recently started playing around with ol3 + boundless. I created the edit application using > suite-sdk create myApp ol3edit. I am trying to move the layer view/selector from the map to a .col-md-...
Albert van Niekerk's user avatar
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gxp_featuremanager nextpage throws Cannot do natural order without a primary key, please add it or specify a manual sort over existing attributes?

I am using GeoServer and Boundless to build web mapping apps. I have a feature grid that displays the selected layers' geometry/features. On load it shows the first 100 features, maxFeatures Number ...
Albert van Niekerk's user avatar
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I am unable to load Geoserver Dashboard

I have just installed the OpenGeoServer Suite from Boundless and when I go to open the dashboard @ http://localhost:8080/dashboard I get a 404 error not found. edit: just realized that apache is ...
Dazzle's user avatar
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Mongodb data store parameter on Opengeo Suite 4.1.1

I'm using Opengeo Suite 4.1.1 with built in Mongodb data store plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows 8.0. Geoserver 2.5 snapshot and Mongodb 2.6 versions are used here. I was about to try Mapping #...
Ramadhan Dwi Haryono's user avatar
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The 'suite-sdk debug' command failed. - Boundless SDK and OpenLayers 3

I have a few questions about the creation of an application with Boundless SDK and OpenLayers 3. I'm trying to create an application with the templates ol3view and ol3edit, using the command suite-sdk,...
Patrick Morales's user avatar
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Where to upload layers in geoexplorer?

I just install opengeo suite (boundless) in my machine and try to explore it. I followed the instruction in user manual and I encountered a problem. In "Load your data with GeoExplorer" part, after ...
user25385's user avatar
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Geoexplorer Class Diagram

Does anyone know where I could find a class diagram for the different modules of geoexplorer (geoext and gxp)?
Maps N Stuff's user avatar
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How should I implement a many-to-many relationship in a web mapping application?

Scenario: I am given a layer of point locations called "problems." These will be displayed on a web map. Users will then use the web map interface to create and populate field information for a point ...
user21949's user avatar
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Bulk importing raster data into GeoServer

I have more than 1000 world images in tiff format. I need to create the raster layers for those images in GeoServer 2.4-RC2 on Windows XP OS and set it as a backdrop in my web application. Is there ...
venkat's user avatar
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Possible to downgrade Postgresql and PostGIS versions and still be compatible with latest OpenGeo Suite?

I'm trying to connect ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 to PostGreSQL/PostGIS tables. I have PostGreSQL 9.2/PostGIS 2.0, which was installed with the latest OpenGeo suite. Unfortunately ArcGIS direct connections to ...
tinyplanet00's user avatar
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Geoserver: Georectification via SLD fails

Situation I have a raster image and the coordinates of its four corner pixels. My goal is to warp the image with respect to this coordinates ("georectify") on the fly when requested via GeoServer to ...
xandriksson's user avatar
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Problem with PostGIS in Opengeo Suite in Ubuntu 13?

Everything is working fine after installing the Opengeo Suite in Ubuntu except PostGIS issues. In the dashboard the PostGIS manage is disabled(grey) but PostgreSQL is working via pgadmin3. And also ...
Pradeep G's user avatar
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Error printing pdf in OpenGeo Suite client SDK app

I am using OpenGeo Suite 3.0.2. I created an app using Client SDK and stored the raster and vector data on postgreSQL/PostGIS. The print tool is not working, giving error the following error: Java....
user2273001's user avatar
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OpenGeo Suite start up failure

I started the openGeo Suite 3.0.1 in Windows 8 and after a while I get this error: Giving up on starting the Suite as it is taking longer than expected Any idea?
Ali Behzadian Nejad's user avatar
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How to build and deploy GeoExplorer on jboss 5.1.x?

I am trying to deploy opengeo GeoExplorer on jboss 5.1.x by using this command: ant deploy -Dcargo.port=8080 -Dcargo.container=jboss51x -Dcargo.username=abc -Dcargo.password=...
ganesh's user avatar
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How to can I run the OpenGeo Suite Community Edition under Apache Tomcat on Windows server 2003?

I have installed opengeo suite community edition on ubunutu 10.10 and it is working with apache tomcat and it all works great. So I decide to do the same on a Windows 2003 server at work. Note: On ...
Ando's user avatar
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Boundless Suite - Composer Security Permissions [closed]

I’m having trouble getting users-roles-data access rules correctly configured in the Boundless Suite 4.9.1.  The issue appears to be with Composer, not Geoserver. BLUF:  I want 2 separate editors for ...
D. Astle's user avatar
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QGIS: sip module implements API v11.0 to v11.3 but the qgis._core module requires API v10.0

I have read all the questions on the SIP module and QGIS, but they do not answer my question. Most of these are dealing with screwed up paths; I do not think my environment variables are incorrect. ...
auslander's user avatar
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Boundless OpenGeo Explorer fails with Python errors

I am running this stack on a Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter. PostgreSQL 9.3.10 PostGIS 2.2.0 PGAdmin III 1.18.1 Geoserver 2.7.3 QGIS 2.12.0 Boundless OpenGeo Explorer 0.6.2 Everything runs ...
Mats Elfström's user avatar
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styler plugin opengeo suit sdk

I try to add the gxp styler plugin, to my suit sdk, but I cannot make it work perfectly. I had to set up a digest authentication in geoserver (and the user has to log in to see any layer), and I have ...
Tamas Kosa's user avatar
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Adjust GeoServer home page just to WMS service

I want to adjust my first GeoServer home page (before logging in) just to WMS service Can anybody help me please?
BahramJ's user avatar
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How to add on click information on places in any layers in OpenGeo Suit 4.5?

I recently installed OpenGeoSuite 4.5 and I am very new in to it. I uploaded my .shp file in it and it showing that layer currently. Now I want to add some information(name and a little info etc) of ...
Vikas Bendha's user avatar
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OpenGeoSuite/ Geoserver error message "404 status code"

I am trying out OpenGeosuite in my WIndows 8 64-bit machine. OpenGeo Jetty and OpenGeoPostgreSQL services are up and running. Working the Qgis Open geo plug-in I'm trying to publish my layers in ...
tano's user avatar
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Creating web site for people to input their locations and other info? [closed]

I am new to open source Web GIS and have done some self training about the basics of Geoserver, PostGIS and Openlayers. Right now I am in a rush to set up a web site for up to 100 people to access it ...
Melz's user avatar
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GeoExplorer cannot upload shapefiles into PostGIS [closed]

I have installed OpenGeo 4.1 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 following the official instructions. I then followed the tutorial Load your data with GeoExplorer. I was able to zip and upload a few shapefiles. ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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